sexta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2014

# Friday Music!

Bom dia!
Uma das melhores músicas deste grande Senhor da música! A letra diz tudo!
Tenham uma óptima sexta-feira e aproveitem este sol!

I can see that look in your eyes
You're in need of something you can't find
You're tired of holding on to the pain
You haven't got the strength to hold the reins
You are out of lane
I know you can't take it
I know you can't take it, anymore
I know you can't fake it
I know you can't fake it, anymore
Now it's time for you to open a new door
You fool yourself when you live a lie
You spend all of your time getting high
But drunken nights won't bury your fears
All the drinks you had just turned to tears
For too many years
I know you can't take it
I know you can't take it, anymore
I know you can't fake it
I know you can't fake it, anymore
Now it's time for you to open a new door
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
When you think that nobody cares
Close your eyes and know that God is there
And if you reach out, He'll do the same
Just ask for what you need in Jesus' name
But don't be ashamed
I know you can't take it
I know you can't take it, anymore
I know you can't fake it
I know you can't fake it, anymore
Now it's time for you to open a new door
Now it's time for you to open a new door
Now it's time for you to open a new door

13 comentários:

  1. Boa escolha... bom fim de semana, beijinhos

  2. Bom dia Friend...não posso ouvir a música agora...mas só pela letra...Obrigada.
    ..."Close your eyes and know that God is there
    And if you reach out, He'll do the same."

    ...Que mal será que fiz...qu'Ele não me ouve...

  3. Não conhecia... Gostei! :)
    Bom fim de semana!!:)

    1. Fico feliz por teres gostado!
      Bom fim-de-semana também para ti!

  4. Porque será que tendo Lenny Kravitz um vasto e bom repertório, apenas um ou dois temas passam no circuito comercial?

    Bom fim de semana.

    1. Sim, é algo curioso. Também não vejo grande explicação. Mas o prazer da descoberta agrada-me imenso!

  5. Boa música, excelente letra!
    Bom fim de semana!

  6. Vamos lá então...Boa sexta amigo!

  7. love the music... e bom fim de semana... aqui o sol ora vem ora se esconde ta mais pra chuva e neve, com frio que tá... as tantas. kiss
